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Corfu City Cars | Car Rental in Corfu
Corfu City Cars | Car Rental in Corfu

This fortress, perched on a small rocky spur more than 300 meters above sea level.

Aggelokastro (castle of the Angel) was erected in the 13th century as a commanding lookout over the sea, mainland Greece, and large swaths of Corfu. Angelokastro's approach is rather spectacular, rising up through scrub and cypress trees to this impregnable castle that occupies a tiny rocky pedestal. Angelokastro was Corfu's formal capital under the Venetians from the 14th century and withstood three sieges during the 16th and 18th centuries.

Beyond the walls, nothing of the stronghold remains, save for the modest Church of Archangel Michael, which has 1700s frescoes. You may witness seven rock-hewn sarcophagi, peep inside the castle's vaulted cistern, and marvel at the sea, shoreline, and mountains.

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